2025 SWPA Convention
Little Rock Marriott
Little Rock, Arkansas
March 28, 2025 - March 30, 2025
Register onsite by clicking here! After clicking the register button above, create or log in to your SWPA profile, and the registration link will be listed on your profile homepage.
Registration Information
SWPA combines registration and dues into a single fee. If you register for the convention, then you automatically become a member. There are two categories:
SWPA 2025 Online Registration Now Closed
Onsite registration will be available at SWPA
- Member Rates
- Professional Member
- Early Bird Registration (by End of Day CST 1/24/25): $120
- Online Registration (by End of Day CST 3/18/25): $130
- Onsite Registration: $150
- NOTE: Registration will be closed from 3/18/25 until onsite registration opens.
- Professional Members Seeking CE Credits
- Early Bird Registration (by End of Day CST 1/24/25): $220
- Online Registration (by End of Day CST 3/18/25): $230
- Onsite Registration: $250
- NOTE: Registration will be closed from 3/18/25 until onsite registration opens.
- Student Member
- Early Bird Registration (by End of Day CST 1/24/25): $70
- Online Registration (by End of Day CST 3/18/25): $80
- Onsite Registration: $100
- NOTE: Registration will be closed from 3/18/25 until onsite registration opens.
Guest Pass Policy
- Two types of guest passes will be available onsite.
- Weekend Guest Passes
- Single-Event Guest Passes
- Weekend Guest Passes will be available for purchase online.
- NOTE: Guest passes are not appropriate for conference participants. Guest passes are only appropriate for family members seeking to support their loved ones at the conference.
- Weekend passes can be purchased during registration.
- However, guest passes do not need to be purchased at the same time registration is completed and paid for.
- Any time prior to the close of online registration, participants are able to repeat the registration process.
- Doing so will not require members to reregister themselves but will allow members to purchase additional guest passes.
- We request that members provide the names of those for whom they are purchasing guest passes.
- Weekend Guest Passes will be available for purchase at a cost of $100.
- Single-Event Guest Passes will be available for purchase at the registration desk.
- NOTE: Guest passes are not appropriate for conference participants. Guest passes are only appropriate for family members seeking to support their loved ones at the conference.
- IMPORTANT: Single event guest passes grant access for 90 minutes ONLY.
- Additional single-event guest passes can be purchased.
- Single-Event Guest Passes will be available for purchase at a cost of $20 per pass.
- Members are encouraged to reach out to SWPA for assistance if they have any questions or encounter any difficulties.
- Members can contact SWPA HERE
Submission Information
SWPA offers abstract submissions for talks, posters, symposia, and workshops. We also have student research competitions. Additionally, the convention hosts four affiliate organizations: SAMR, SWToP, Psi Chi, and SCBNA.
Abstract Submission Now Closed
- Submission Types and Details can be found HERE
- Submission Deadline: NOVEMBER 22, 2024
Hotel and Trip Information
This year, SWPA will be hosted at the Little Rock Marriot in Little Rock, AR.
Click Here for Hotel Information
When you are not spending time at the conference, take advantage of all that Little Rock has to offer!
Dr. Roy Baumeister
Florida State University
Harvard University
Constructor University
University of Queensland
President of the International Positive Psychology Association
Keynote Address
Roy F. Baumeister is professor of psychology associated with the University of Queensland, Florida State University, and Constructor University Bremen. He grew up in Cleveland, the oldest child of a schoolteacher and an immigrant businessman. He received his Ph.D. in social psychology from Princeton in 1978 and did a postdoctoral fellowship in sociology at the University of California at Berkeley. He spent over two decades at Case Western Reserve University, where he eventually was the first to hold the Elsie Smith professorship. He has also worked at Harvard University, the University of Texas, the University of Virginia, the Max-Planck-Institute, the VU Free University of Amsterdam, the University of California at Santa Barbara, the University of Bamberg, the Russell Sage Foundation, and Stanford’s Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences.
Baumeister's research spans multiple topics, including self and identity, self-regulation, interpersonal rejection and the need to belong, sexuality and gender, aggression, self-esteem, meaning, and self-presentation. He has received research grants from the National Institutes of Health and from the Templeton Foundation. He has over 700 publications, and his 45 books include Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty, The Cultural Animal, Meanings of Life, and the New York Times bestseller Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength. The Institute for Scientific Information lists him among the handful of most cited (most influential) psychologists in the world, and Google Scholar indicates that his work has been cited over 280,000 times in the scientific literature, with over 60 of his publications having been cited a thousand times each. His awards include the William James Award (the highest honor for lifetime achievement by the Association for Psychological Science), the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award (highest honor by Humboldt Society), and the Distinguished Scientist Award (highest honor from the Society for Experimental Social Psychology). He is currently president of the International Positive Psychology Association.
A Radical, New, and Positive View of Men and Women
Recent analyses of male-female relations are filled with negativity. This talk proposes a positive alternative framing. Men and women are cooperative partners more than enemies. Human men and women have produced a population flourishing that is unprecedented among mammals. Unlike the other great apes, human men and women form lasting bonds and cooperate to raise offspring. Rather than emphasizing the degrading and misleading stereotypes of oppressors and victims, it is more accurate and constructive to treat them as partners, providers, and nurturers. Social structures created by men and now increasingly shared with women have enabled immense progress in terms of improving the quality and quantity of human life. Some conflicts are inevitable in social life, but they should not blind us to the positive aspects and overall success.
Dr. Kurt Gray
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience - University of North Caroline at Chapel Hill
Director of the Deepest Beliefs Lab & the Center for the Science of Moral Understanding
Keynote Address
Kurt Gray is a social psychologist who studies our moral minds and how best to bridge political divides. He was almost a geophysicist, but a night trapped in the Canadian wilderness convinced him otherwise.
Prof Gray received his PhD from Harvard University and now directs the Deepest Beliefs Lab at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He also leads the Center for the Science of Moral Understanding, which explores new ways to reduce polarization and is a Field Builder in the New Pluralists, which seeks to build a moral pluralistic America.
Spanning over 120 journal articles, Gray has studied morality, politics, religion, creativity, and AI. His work reveals that our moral mind is grounded in perceptions of harm and that political disagreement revolves around different assumptions about who is most vulnerable to victimization. His work has been discussed in the New York Times, the Economist, Scientific American, Wired, and Hidden Brain.
He is the author of the book The Mind Club: Who Thinks, What Feels and Why it Matters (Viking), and the forthcoming Outraged: Why we Fight about Morality and Politics (Pantheon).
Understanding Moral Divides
Our moral world is divided. People disagree on the morality of abortion, gay rights, and gun control, and there are many different acts that people judge as immoral, ranging from murder to religious blasphemy. Decades of research assumes that differences in moral judgment require a set of distinct moral mechanisms—a divided moral mind. However, my work demonstrates that, despite moral disagreement and diversity, the moral mind is ultimately unified by a common currency of harm. I present studies revealing that interpersonal harm serves as the cognitive template of moral judgment. My research also provides a new understanding of harm, demonstrating that it is neither objective nor reasoned, but rather subjective and intuitive. A unified, harm-based moral mind argues against the psychological existence of "harmless wrongs" while embracing moral diversity and cultural pluralism. In addition to changing our understanding of moral cognition, this work reveals a practical application of a unified moral mind: sharing personal experiences of harm provides an effective means of bridging moral divides.
Wendy Fischman
Harvard University
Director of Project Zero
Keynote Address
In 1995, Wendy Fischman joined Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has served as Project Director for several aspects of the GoodWork® Project, studying the meaning of education and work in the lives of novice professionals, adolescents, and young children. Wendy has published work about human development and education in several scholarly and popular journals. She has co-developed The Good Work Toolkit, which comprises a curriculum that helps teachers and students discuss issues of excellence, ethics, and engagement. With Howard Gardner, she led a large-scale national study of higher education across ten different campuses. She is the lead author of Making Good: How Young People Cope with Moral Dilemmas at Work (published by Harvard University Press) and another book related to higher education, The Real World of College: What Higher Education Is and What It Can Be (published by MIT Press).
Exploring the "Goods": How Do Students Think About Moral Issues?
Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., Paul Farmer, and Greta Thunberg—do the lives and actions of these moral exemplars help young people conceptualize moral issues? How do today’s youth engage with moral questions in their own lives—both in school and in the early stages of their careers? Drawing on in-depth qualitative research from over 5,000 individuals collected over a 30-year period, this presentation explores how students articulate their beliefs, values, and ethical dilemmas, as well as the challenges they navigate in a rapidly changing world. Given the powerful counterforces students face today, the talk will address the role of educational interventions in nurturing a commitment to the common good. It will also discuss the limitations and opportunities of long-term assessments in fostering moral and ethical development among young people.
Dr. Wendi Johnson
Texas Woman's University
Woodcock Institute Keynote Address
Wendi L. Johnson is a licensed psychologist and associate professor of School Psychology at Texas Woman's University for the last 14 years. Dr. Johnson is also the director of the Woodcock Autism Assessment Clinic, which completes multidisciplinary evaluations for children between the ages of 18 months and 18 years for the possibility of an autism spectrum disorder. Currently, Dr. Johnson is the assistant Executive Director of the Woodcock Institute and will be taking over the Executive Director position as of 9-1-25. Dr. Johnson teaches coursework at TWU such as School Neuropsychological Assessment, Direct Behavior Intervention, Psychology of Violence, Trauma and Abuse, and Developmental Psychology, as well as coordinates the Practicum and Internship placements for the program. Dr. Johnson's research team entitled the B.R.A.I.N. team (Behavior, Research, Assessment, and Intervention in Neurodevelopmental Disorders) has multiple projects ongoing that examine autism intervention and assessment, mothers in academia, support for families in foster care and adoption, autism and masking, and early screening for autism.
Executive Dysfunction across the Lifespan
This talk will define executive functioning, discuss the development of executive functioning skills throughout life, and then delve into the challenges associated with executive dysfunction. This talk will review the impact of EF deficits in decision making, social relationships, and school/work skills. In addition, executive dysfunction will be discussed through the lens of diagnoses such as pediatric trauma or autism, as well as later in life impacts such as Alzheimer's or other forms of Dementia. In addition, positive strategies to support the development and maintenance of EF skills throughout life will be provided.
Dr. Timothy Levine
University of Oklahoma
Professor and Chair
Department of Communication
Keynote Address
Timothy R. Levine is Professor and Chair of the Department of Communication at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, OK. Professor Levine's teaching and research interests include deception, interpersonal communication, persuasion and social influence, experimental research design, measurement validation, and statistical conclusions validity. He has published more than 160 journal articles. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, Department of Defense, and Department of Justice and has received press coverage from New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, NBC, CNN, Discovery Channel, and National Geographic. He is the author of Duped: Truth-default theory and the social science of lying and deception (University of Alabama Press, 2020).
Truth-Defaulth Theory
Truth-default Theory (TDT) offers a comprehensive perspective on human-to-human deception from a communication perspective. Defaulting to the truth is necessary for efficient and effective communication. On the message production side of communication, people communicate honestly unless they have a reason to deceive. On the reception side, people passively accept that others are honest unless suspicion and doubt are actively triggered. Recent advances in TDT theorizing propose the idea of trigger moderators explaining why people accept seemly implausible claims in the face of contradicting evidence.
Psi Chi Keynote Speaker
Dr. Mikki Hebl
Rice University
Martha and Henry Malcolm Lovett Professor of Psychological Sciences
Keynote Address
Mikki Hebl is the Martha and Henry Malcolm Lovett Professor of Psychological Sciences. Her research focuses on workplace discrimination and the ways individuals and organizations can remediate such discrimination and successfully optimize diversity. She has approximately 200 publications, 21 teaching awards (including the most prestigious national award called the Cherry Award), research grants from NSF and NIH, and several gender-related research awards. She graduated with her B.A. from Smith College and Ph.D. from Dartmouth College.
Working Together: Practicing the Science of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
This talk will provide some highlights of a recent book that Dr. Hebl has written, in which she describes scientific evidence surrounding the need for and best practices of DEI. She will describe the demographic shifts that are projected in the U.S. and the types of discrimination that individuals with stigmatized social identities experience. She will also talk about science-based best DEI practices across the employment cycle, considering DEI strategies for attracting, selecting, and retaining employees. Her research spans work not only on race and gender but also on sexual orientation, weight, religion, neurodiversity, pregnancy, medical diagnoses, and age.
SWToP Keynote Speaker
Dr. Stephen L. Chew
Samford University
Keynote Address
Stephen L. Chew has been a professor of psychology at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama since 1993. Trained as a cognitive psychologist, one of his primary research interests is the cognitive basis of effective teaching and learning. Chew works to translate cognitive research for teachers and students. He developed a research-based framework of cognitive challenges that teachers must address to promote student learning. In 2011, he created a series of groundbreaking YouTube videos on how to study effectively that have received millions of views and are in wide use at educational institutions around the world. Chew is the recipient of multiple national recognitions for his teaching and research, including being named the 2011 U.S. Professor of the Year by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. He received the award for Distinguished Career Contributions to Education and Training from the American Psychological Association in 2022. Chew serves as the chair of the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology (NITOP). He is a longstanding member of STP, an APA Fellow, and a Distinguished Member of Psi Chi.
Rethinking Critical Thinking
We teach in strange times. We are constantly confronted with misleading information often designed to mislead, confuse, scam, demean, or polarize us. Furthermore, we are exposed to it through the same technology that we use to navigate our daily lives and this situation is not likely to change. Our students come to us after years of exposure to misinformation, much of it related to psychology, which complicates our teaching. To train and prepare our students, I assert that we need to teach them how to detect misinformation and understand how it appeals to our fears and biases. In short, we need to teach critical thinking, but a more expanded view of critical thinking than we have considered in the past. In this presentation, I will try to define and operationalize critical thinking for the age of misinformation.
Cancellation Policy
Individuals who pre-register for the convention may obtain full or partial registration fee refunds.
- Full refund if requested by end of day (CST) February 28, 2025.
- 50% refund if requested between February 29, 2025 and March 20, 2025.
- No refund if requested after March 20, 2025.