Guidelines for Elected Officers of SWPA


The President shall preside at all Presidents’ Council meetings, Executive Council meetings and the Annual Business Meeting, and exercise general supervision over the affairs of the Association.  The President will present a Presidential Address at the SWPA annual convention and additionally, work with the other officers to arrange for the major invited speakers for the annual convention.  The President shall receive a complementary room at the convention hotel during the year s/he is current President of the association.

Past President

The Past President shall serve as an advisor to the President, and participate in the President’s Council meetings, Executive Council meetings and the Annual Business Meeting.   Past-Presidents receive a complimentary lifetime membership.

President Elect

The President Elect shall participate in the President’s Council meeting, Executive Council meetings and the Annual Business Meeting, and offer support and advise to promote the healthy development of the organization.

Professional Representatives

Professional Representatives shall participate in the Executive Council meetings and the Annual Business Meeting, and serve as liaisons for members.  They should promote the image of the organization and encourage participation in the annual convention.  They should be available to bring members’ ideas, concerns, or questions to the attention of the Executive Council.  In the second year of their term, they should organize an invited research symposium for the annual convention following the guidelines for this event.

Student Representatives

Student Representatives shall participate in the Executive Council meetings and the Annual Business Meeting, and serve as liaisons for student members at large.  They should promote the image of the organization and encourage participation in the annual convention.  They should be available to bring student members’ ideas, concerns, or questions to the attention of the Executive Council.  They shall chair the student caucus at the annual convention and submit a report from that caucus to the Executive Council.

Brief Guidelines for Appointed Officers of SWPA

Executive Officer

Serving at the direction of the President and the Executive Council, the Executive Officer will carry out the routine business of the corporation and manage and supervise all of the normal affairs and staff of the Corporation.


The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep the records of the Association and the Presidents’ Council; to conduct official correspondence; and to monitor and present modifications to the web page, including updating the “Resources” pages as association information changes. The Secretary shall post all Executive Council minutes on the web page after each meeting, and repost any minutes as they are later corrected. The Secretary will receive a complimentary room at the convention hotel each year during his/her appointment.


The duties of the Treasurer are to receive payments from members, advertisers and donors; to disburse funds as authorized by the Executive Council; to keep accurate financial records of the Association; to report the financial status of the Association at the Annual Business Meeting; to assist in developing the annual budget; and to assist the Finance Committee. The Treasurer will receive a complimentary room at the convention hotel each year during his/her appointment.

Program Chair

The Program Chair shall coordinate the review of abstracts, send notices of acceptance and rejection of presentations, plan the program for the annual convention, and create a printer-ready document in a timely manner to have it ready for the annual convention and for posting as a .PDF on the SWPA web site.  As needed, the Program Chair will also create any necessary errata program updates to have available at the registration desk at the annual convention. The Program Chair shall receive a complementary room at the convention hotel during the year s/he is current Program Chair of the association.

Officer Notes

All officers shall provide a recent picture and short personal statement to be placed on the SWPA web site contacts page.  This web page shall be updated in a timely manner following the annual convention when new officers are installed and updated as necessary if mid-year officer changes occur. Additional details of job expectations are listed in the approved position descriptions.

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Chicago Professional School of Psychology

Conference Management Software by X-CD Technologies Inc.